The Process
After paying the consult fee, you will receive an email within minutes with a link to a short questionnaire, which also has examples of the types of reference photos to send (hint: 10 awkward selfies with different colors draped across your shoulders).
Once we receive your questionnaire and photos, we’ll email you within 7 days with any additional reference colors we may need.
After we have all your photos, one of our analysts will evaluate your skin tone, and match you with one of 14 possible color palettes that best suit you, within 30 days of receiving your second round of pics!
Your consult email will include a palette of your best colors, but we will also explain your dominant features, skin tone, a list of “choose this color over that color” hypotheticals to make shopping easier, and what colors to avoid. Just for fun, we’ll throw in some makeup and nail recs and an image of your knockout colors (our favorites on you). You’ll also gain access to a facebook group of clients who share your palette!

How to Find The Best Colors to Wear


Hear from my past clients

Our color consult is $180. If you’d like to hear about promos, join our list!
We have clients use whichever clothes and fabrics they have on hand for the selfies.
Worried about having enough colors? See the question below.
The good news is, we don’t need to see you in ALL the colors to determine your best palette.
We just need a few well-lit examples from each category: dark colors, pastels, faded colors, brights, warm, and cool. Neutrals also help.
Clients have gotten creative in the past by using towels, kids’ pj’s, and even construction paper.
**If you are short on color options, it is VITAL that the photos you do submit are in great natural lighting, so we can see crystal clear how your features respond to those colors.
After you submit your first round of photos a team member will let you know exactly which colors we still need to see to narrow in on your very best palette.
Great question! We have a whole page about the process
Yes, we have worked with clients of many ethnicities and regions (East Asian, South Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, Latino, and Middle Eastern) and skin tones ranging from olive, tan to deep.
Let’s be real, the beauty industry as a whole, and color analysis specifically, has failed people of color. Many of the common tips and tricks you hear about determining your skin tone are centered around white skin tones and have failed to acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of skin tones among people of color.
Because of this gross inequity, it has been central to our mission from the beginning of starting this company that we provide a thoughtful and competent analysis to people of all ethnicities and skin tones.
We will not lump you in a box based on the color of your skin, but you will be treated as an individual and with respect.
We have a special promo list for people of color. You can join here!
If you are in a country that uses PayPal, you can purchase a consult.
Our emails and consult results to you will be written in English, and the links we provide to clothes and makeup are based in the U.S.
We can determine your best colors even if your hair is dyed! We ask that you pull your hair back in a ponytail if it’s dyed so that we can see how your skin tone and eye color interact with each color.
If your’e wondering if your current hair color works for you feel free to ask in your survey.
If you have photos of your natural hair color feel free to submit those along with your consult photos for reference.
We would love to support you on your journey!
We have customized palettes for women with gray and silver hair. Let your consultant know on your survey that you are in the process of transitioning to gray and they will review your photos and determine if one of our standard palettes is the best fit for you or if one of our customized palettes fit you best.
Either way if you’ve had your colors done by us and later transition to silver hair you can request one of our modified palettes to be sent to you via email.
You may purchase a gift code for a consult here. You will receive an email certificate that will include both the gift code and a link to redeem that code. This certificate can be forwarded to the recipient of your choice.
The code is valid for 4 months from the time it was purchased. Once the recipient redeems their code they will have 30 days to submit their first round of photos.
Even if the code is purchased on sale, it will be redeemable for the full value of a consult.
Once you purchase your consult, you will have 30 days to submit your first round of photos. After a team member emails requesting your second round of colors, you will have 30 more days to turn in that set.
If something comes up and you realize you need more time, you can email before the 30 days are up to request an extension.
We have optimized our color analysis process to be done virtually. As a business born during the pandemic, this has helped us pursue our goal of making color analysis accessible to as many people as possible. We love and are confident in our innovative process and are proud to have helped over 15,000 clients this way.
Long story short, we’re all virtual , haha!
We serve clients ages 14 and up.
The reason we have this policy is because children’s coloring is still evolving through puberty and we would hate for a child to receive a palette and operate out of it for the rest of their lives it has potential to change.
I’m tan? : Your overall palette will stay the same (because your UNDERTONES and EYE COLOR are consistent), but many people pull off additional colors when they’re tan (i.e. bolder and brighter shades). You might find that you gravitate to different colors within your palette in the summer versus the winter. Feel free to submit photos you have from the opposite season (when paler/tanner) along with your consult photos, so that we have the fullest idea of your coloring.
I dye my hair? : With every consult, we note the hair and highlight colors that harmonize most naturally with your palette. These will look good with any of the colors in your palette. If you choose a hair color outside of that range, your hair may clash a bit with some of your palette colors (effectively narrowing the number of colors that will highlight your eyes, skin AND hair at once), but you also may be able to pull off additional colors outside of your palette better because they look good with your hair. Your overall palette will stay the same, as it best highlights your skin tone and eyes (and the BIGGEST impact from colors comes from these two features).
As I age?: As we age, our skin tends to cool a bit, and gray hair also has a cooling effect. Those impacted most by the transition will be people in the warm and neutral-warm palettes. While your overall palette remains the same, those in warmer palettes might be less flattered by the warmest oranges and yellows in their palettes, and add in more neutral blues, greens, and reds. For those whose hair was previously very dark, the transition to gray lowers the overall contrast of their look, meaning they might want to add mascara or a bold lip to boost contrast when wearing the darkest colors in their palette. You can also wear the shade of gray that echoes your hair, since our features always harmonize with our natural hair color!