Step into your main character era & ditch the colors that don’t do you justice.
Virtual color analysis is a shortcut to loving how you look right now—and finding clothes that love you back!
Confidence is hard.
Self-love takes time. Rocking a color that makes you feel like a goddess takes minutes.
You have features that make you uniquely, naturally, and objectively gorgeous. And whether it’s for yourself or the girls and women in your life, I think you want to embrace them!
Celebrating yourself requires prioritizing yourself. Which requires feeling worthy of prioritizing yourself.
But with every trial, life pushed your name further down your list. And with every try-on, your confidence took a hit. So self-care? Self-worth? Self-confidence? They left the building a while back.
Unlearning all of that? Seeing your beauty? Remembering your worth? I won’t lie, friend, that takes time! But rocking a tee in a color that makes you radiate is something you can do now.
So what do you say we start there?

Wear colors that make you look objectively radiant, embrace your natural beauty & finally see yourself as the TEN you already are
Whether you’re doing full hair and makeup each day or you only have the energy for a simple tee, your best colors will help you look vibrant, feel more alive, and recognize the babe in the mirror again!
Here’s how it works:
Fill out a short questionnaire and send us a bunch of makeup-less selfies of you in different colors.
This isn’t some basic online quiz! Our analysts use our surprisingly in-depth process to evaluate your skin tone.
You’ll get your 20-color palette plus your 4 knockout colors, color education, clothing links, makeup recs, and more.

For anyone who’s ready to love on themselves exactly as they are.
⌓ A Person of Color
⌓ Rocking dyed or highlighted hair
⌓ Embracing the gray
⌓ More tan or pale than usual
⌓ Cisgender, non-binary, or transgender
⌓ Dealing with skin flare-ups or conditions
This isn’t about changing your clothes.
It’s about changing the way you see yourself.
Take the “blah” out of getting dressed
Whether it’s postpartum blahs, wardrobe blahs, or you’re just overwhelmed with tons of clothing you don’t even like…we got you!
Shop faster with fewer & better choices
Stop shopping haphazardly, feeling overwhelmed, and leaving empty-handed. Skip right to the stores and pieces that actually work for you.
Build a coordinated capsule wardrobe
When everything in your wardrobe looks good together and on you, it’s easy to put together bangin’ outfits you want to show out in!
Own & celebrate your shape, size & skin
Accepting yourself completely is hard work. Wearing colors that make you BEAM helps you own your natural look. Without changing a single thing.
Dress like the person you are right now
Find pieces that reflect who you are in this season of life. So when you look in the mirror, you finally recognize and love who you see.
Embrace the ways you’ve changed
Whether it’s postpartum, embracing the grey, marriage, divorce, loss, illness, or anything else…you’ve changed. So it’s time your look did, too!

Oh, hey! I’m Lindsey.
A few years ago, I was in the throes of postpartum life—grabbing yesterday’s sweatpants off the floor as I wiped my raccoon eyes. I poured any energy I had into my kids, slowly realizing I had nothing left for me.
With my clothes, I thought “Why make an effort when NO ONE will see it and there’s a 90% chance I will get spit up on?” What I didn’t realize was how much what I wore was affecting how I saw myself.
That’s when hope came crashing into my life. Through a friend, I heard about color analysis—the idea that each person has a set of colors that OBJECTIVELY flatter them. And I was hooked.

It seems like a superficial thing, to wear clothes that highlight you. But for me, it’s been a surprisingly emotional & spiritual endeavor.
The world tells us we have to change who we are to be worthy. Color analysis has helped me see that I am worthy and beautiful exactly how I am, and there are colors that reflect my beauty effortlessly.
It’s one of those things where “If you know you know.” You just have to experience it for yourself! And I can’t wait for you to know.
Clients rocking their colors

How confident would you feel if you could grab anything in your closet and look objectively good?
Let’s take “nothing looks good on me” out of the equation!
Let me walk you through it
Book your consult
After paying, you’ll get a step-by-step email from us. You’ll have up to 30 days to submit 2 rounds of selfies, and you’ll get your results within 30 days of round 2.
Take your selfies
We want to see how your skin tone and features react to different colors. So we’ll ask you to send in makeup-free selfies, draped in different colors from your closet.
Preliminary analysis
Our intake coordinator will look at your selfies, do a quick analysis, then ask for more photos in custom colors we want to see. (It’s okay if you don’t have them all!)
Take more selfies
You’ll take a second round of selfies rocking the colors we requested. Don’t have those colors on hand? Or any colors? That’s okay! Keep reading for what to do ↓
Final color analysis
Sit back and relax for 30-ish days as we complete your in-depth, professional color analysis. Need your results faster? You’ll have the option to request an expedited analysis!
Get your results!
Your results include your seasonal palette, your best or “knockout” colors, plus your perfect capsule wardrobe links, makeup recs, and so much more goodness!

Our color analysis process works for every ethnicity
Let’s be real, the beauty industry as a whole—and color analysis specifically—has failed People of Color. Many of the tips and tricks are centered around White skin tones and don’t acknowledge the diversity and uniqueness of skin tones among People of Color.
Because of this gross inequity, it has been central to our mission from the beginning to provide a thoughtful and competent analysis to people of all ethnicities and skin tones.
We promise that:
You’ll be treated as an individual and with respect.
Not lumped into a category or put in a box based on the color of your skin!
“What if I don’t own many colors for selfies?”
Don’t have tons of color options hanging in your closet? It’s okay! I’m not kidding when I tell you we get this question every day—and that we can make what you do have work!
Our advice? Get creative with it. Our clients have used towels, their kids’ pajamas, and borrowed clothes. Even construction paper works in a bind! And don’t stress about having every color available. Aim to represent each of these categories: dark, pastel, faded, bright, warm, and cool colors.
Just know that the fewer colors you have, the more great lighting matters! And the more personal photos (non-color selfies) you should aim to include. Because we need to analyze the heck out of the colorful selfies you do send us—and those personal photos will give us tons of insight into your features!

Knowing your colors impacts so much of your life!
Think about every time you go shopping—imagine quickly scanning the store and eliminating options just by looking at them. Imagine not even bringing clothes that wash you out into the dressing room. Imagine building a wardrobe full of pieces that bring you joy…instead of blah and ugh and dread!
⌓ Virtual color analysis
⌓ Your 20 best seasonal colors
⌓ The 4 “knockout” colors already in your closet
⌓ Professional skin tone explanation
⌓ Best and worst colors to choose
⌓ Personalized makeup recs (US brands)
⌓ Links for on-palette clothes (US brands)
⌓ Palette-specific Facebook group
Investment: $180
Knowing your colors is about freedom—not rules!
This isn’t about telling you “you should wear that color” and “never wear that one”.
It’s about no longer feeling pressure to wear on-trend colors you don’t love and cutting down on shopping time because you know that the entire pastel section is or isn’t gonna make your eyes pop.
It’s about finding that ‘comfortable in my skin’ feeling as you play with styles and colors that bring out your unique features and match your personality.
And—maybe more than anything—it’s about those days when you wake up and feel like crap. But have a go-to color that makes you say, “No matter how this day goes, I’m going to look objectively good in this!”

Ask me anything: color analysis edition
We have clients use whichever clothes and fabrics they have on hand for the selfies.
Yes, we have worked with clients of many ethnicities and regions (East Asian, South Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, Latino, and Middle Eastern) and skin tones ranging from olive, tan to deep.
We have a special promo list for People of Color. You can join here!
We can determine your best colors even if your hair is dyed! We ask that you pull your hair back in a ponytail if it’s dyed so that we can see how your skin tone and eye color interact with each color.
If your’e wondering if your current hair color works for you feel free to ask in your survey.
If you have photos of your natural hair color feel free to submit those along with your consult photos for reference.
If you are in a country that uses PayPal, you can purchase a consult.
Our emails and consult results to you will be written in English, and the links we provide to clothes and makeup are based in the U.S.
You may purchase a gift code for a consult here. You will receive an email certificate that will include both the gift code and a link to redeem that code. This certificate can be forwarded to the recipient of your choice.
The code is valid for 4 months from the time it was purchased. Once the recipient redeems their code they will have 30 days to submit their first round of photos.
Even if the code is purchased on sale, it will be redeemable for the full value of a consult.
Your experience is important to us! If at any point you are unhappy with your consultation experience, reach out to our customer care team at Due to the nature of our work, we do not offer full refunds. Once the client survey and first round of photos are submitted, only partial refunds of up to 50% of the initial cost will be considered.
We would love to support you on your journey!
We have customized palettes for women with gray and silver hair. Let your consultant know on your survey that you are in the process of transitioning to gray and they will review your photos and determine if one of our standard palettes is the best fit for you or if one of our customized palettes fit you best.
Either way if you’ve had your colors done by us and later transition to silver hair you can request one of our modified palettes to be sent to you via email.
We have optimized our color analysis process to be done virtually. As a business born during the pandemic, this has helped us pursue our goal of making color analysis accessible to as many people as possible. We love and are confident in our innovative process and are proud to have helped over 10,000 clients this way.
Long story short, we’re all virtual , haha!
Once you purchase your consult, you will have 30 days to submit your first round of photos. After a team member emails requesting your second round of colors, you will have 30 more days to turn in that set.
If something comes up and you realize you need more time, you can email before the 30 days are up to request an extension.
I’m tan? : Your overall palette will stay the same (because your UNDERTONES and EYE COLOR are consistent), but many people pull off additional colors when they’re tan (i.e. bolder and brighter shades). You might find that you gravitate to different colors within your palette in the summer versus the winter. Feel free to submit photos you have from the opposite season (when paler/tanner) along with your consult photos, so that we have the fullest idea of your coloring.
I dye my hair? : With every consult, we note the hair and highlight colors that harmonize most naturally with your palette. These will look good with any of the colors in your palette. If you choose a hair color outside of that range, your hair may clash a bit with some of your palette colors (effectively narrowing the number of colors that will highlight your eyes, skin AND hair at once), but you also may be able to pull off additional colors outside of your palette better because they look good with your hair. Your overall palette will stay the same, as it best highlights your skin tone and eyes (and the BIGGEST impact from colors comes from these two features).
As I age?: As we age, our skin tends to cool a bit, and gray hair also has a cooling effect. Those impacted most by the transition will be people in the warm and neutral-warm palettes. While your overall palette remains the same, those in warmer palettes might be less flattered by the warmest oranges and yellows in their palettes, and add in more neutral blues, greens, and reds. For those whose hair was previously very dark, the transition to gray lowers the overall contrast of their look, meaning they might want to add mascara or a bold lip to boost contrast when wearing the darkest colors in their palette. You can also wear the shade of gray that echoes your hair, since our features always harmonize with our natural hair color!
We serve clients ages 14 and up.
The reason we have this policy is because children’s coloring is still evolving through puberty and we would hate for a child to receive a palette and operate out of it for the rest of their lives it has potential to change.
You will recieve your results within 30 business days of submitting your second round of photos. After submitting your second round, you will have the opportunity to pay a “rush fee” to get your results within 7 days if you want them sooner.
If your clothes aren’t bringing you joy, you’re not the problem—they are!
I know life is complicated, and style probably isn’t your biggest problem. But it IS a big deal.
Think about it: you have to face getting dressed every single day, maybe multiple times a day. So you can either feel a burst of joy OR a wave of blah multiple times a day.
Plus, unlike most of the things that make us feel stressed and tired and bad about ourselves—our style is something we can control.
The way you dress affects the way you see yourself. Let’s make sure you love it!

Gifting a consult
makes you both look amazing
Color consults make great gifts. We’ve had clients buy them for their friends, their moms, and even their partners! Ready to buy now? Or need a few questions answered? The link below has you covered!

Find your best colors
Book your consult. Take some cute, makeup-free selfies. And get the best results email ever, which includes:
⌓ 20 colors that compliment your features
⌓ A detailed, professional explanation of your skin tone
⌓ Tips on which colors do and don't work for you
⌓ Personalized makeup and nail polish recs
⌓ Links for clothes in your palette (U.S. brands)
⌓ Access to a Facebook community for your palette
Investment: $180

Still with me?
Friend, we are basically on our last glass of wine of the night at this point. We’re feeling loose, I’m getting honest, we’ve both cried at least once, and I peed my pants laughing at least twice. So here goes nothing:
You have features that make you uniquely and objectively gorgeous. Why on earth are you hiding them away?!
You’re too gorgeous to wear colors that wash you out; you might not see it yet, but I do. You might not see you yet, but I do! And if you need to borrow my confidence until you’ve found your own, friend, it is all yours.